Sexology Consultation

Heures d'ouverture

  • Lundi au vendredi 7h30 à 19h00
  • Samedi et dimanche Sur rendez-vous

* Veuillez noter que des frais d’ouverture de dossier de 30$ peuvent s’appliquer à certains services offerts par la clinique.

† Pour obtenir les détails concernant notre politique d’annulation et remboursement.


Consultation en sexologie

The sexologist is a professional specialized in the field of human sexuality. They address various aspects related to sexuality, working on both psychological and physiological levels. Their goal is to help individuals and couples understand and resolve

sexual difficulties, improve sexual well-being, and foster a fulfilling intimate life.

Sexologists work with a wide range of issues, including :

  1. Sexual dysfunctions: This includes erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), as well as sexual desire disorders. They help patients identify the possible causes of these dysfunctions and implement strategies to overcome them.
  2. Relationship issues: Sexual difficulties can sometimes be linked to relational or emotional issues. The sexologist helps explore these dynamics, improve communication between partners, and resolve conflicts that may affect intimate life.
  3. Sexual education: The sexologist provides information and advice on sexuality, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and reproductive health. This education is essential for promoting healthy and advise sexual practices.
  4. Sexual orientation and identity: Sexologists support individuals who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. They provide a safe space to explore these aspects and help people navigate their feelings and experiences.
  5. Trauma and Abuse: Individuals who have experienced sexual trauma or abuse may require specialized support to address the emotional and psychological impacts of these experiences. The sexologist uses therapeutic approaches to aid in healing and rebuilding.
  6. And many others.

The primary goal of a sexologist is to enhance the sexual and relational lives of the individuals they work with. This involves identifying each person’s specific issues, offering tailored strategies, and promoting a positive approach to sexuality.

In summary, the sexologist profession focuses on helping individuals and couples lead fulfilling and healthy sexual lives by addressing the emotional, psychological, and physiological challenges related to sexuality.

Our sexologists are licensed by the Order of Sexologists of Quebec (OPSQ), which authorizes them to provide these services.

  Link to the Order of Sexologists of Quebec: OPSQ – Official website


Nos soins et services sont remboursables par la plupart des assurances privées et collectives.

Psychotherapy Consultations

The sexologist is a professional specialized in the field of human sexuality. They address various aspects related to sexuality, both psychological and physiological. Their goal is to help individuals and couples understand and resolve sexual difficulties, improve their sexual well-being, and promote a fulfilling intimate life.

Sexologists work with a wide range of physical and psychological issues, including:

  1. Sexual dysfunctions: This includes erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), as well as sexual desire disorders. They help patients identify the possible causes of these dysfunctions and implement strategies to overcome them.
  2. Relationship issues: Sexual difficulties can sometimes be linked to relational or emotional issues. The sexologist helps explore these dynamics, improve communication between partners, and resolve conflicts that may affect intimate life.
  3. Sexual education: The sexologist provides information and advice on sexuality, contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and reproductive health. This education is essential for promoting healthy and advise sexual practices.
  4. Sexual orientation and identity: Sexologists support individuals who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. They provide a safe space to explore these aspects and help people navigate their feelings and experiences.
  5. Trauma and Abuse: Individuals who have experienced sexual trauma or abuse may require specialized support to address the emotional and psychological impacts of these experiences. The sexologist uses therapeutic approaches to aid in healing and rebuilding.
  6. And many others.

The primary goal of a sexologist is to enhance the sexual and relational lives of the individuals they work with. This involves identifying each person’s specific issues, offering tailored strategies, and promoting a positive approach to sexuality.

In summary, the sexologist profession focuses on helping individuals and couples lead fulfilling and healthy sexual lives by addressing the emotional, psychological, and physiological challenges related to sexuality.

Our sexologists are licensed by the Order of Sexologists of Quebec (OPSQ), which authorizes them to provide these services.
Link to the Order of Sexologists of Quebec: OPSQ – Official website


Nos soins et services sont remboursables par la plupart des assurances privées et collectives.

Services de soins infirmiers, psychoéducation et accompagnement psychosocial. On mise sur votre santé globale et adaptative!

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390, boul. Maloney Est, #301 Gatineau (Qc) J8P 1E6
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